Zoho (office) Word Plugin generates error. How to fix it?

I am getting the error given below as I try to login to the Zoho plugin I installed for office.

Erreur de script dans Internet Explorer :
Une erruer est survenue dans le script de cette page.
Ligne: 25 .
Caractere: 46 .
Erreur: 'J' attendu .
Code: 0 . URL: https://www.zoho.com/ Â
Voulez-vous continuer a executer a executer les scripts de catte page?
I get this error message too as I try to open or add document in MS Word.

An Error occurred while retrieving documents list.

An Error occurred while Connecting Zoho Whiter. Please try again in few minutes.
I am using Microsoft Office 2010 English version on Windows Vista Operating System.