Corel Draw suite X5 Installation
Corel Draw is the software that using for vector based images creator, such as logo design, template design, card design and many other. Before install CorelDRAW, your computer must have minimum specification for use the program perfectly, there is system requirement for CorelDRAW x5:
Microsoft® Windows® 7 (32-bit or 64-bit Editions) , Windows Vista® (32-bit or 64-bit Editions), or Windows® XP (32-bit), all with latest service packs installed

Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
1.5GB hard disk space (for typical installation without content – additional disk space is required during installation)
Mouse or tablet
024 x 768 screen resolution
DVD drive
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher
There is step by step installation CorelDRAW graphic suite X5
Run the setup CorelDRAW x5 and wait until installation start
Read license agreement until finish and checklist accept of term and click next

Enter user name that will use the Corel draw software and then you have 2 choice for installation. If you have serial number for this product you have full version using CorelDRAW suite x5 and If you don’t have serial number , you can use this software for limited time

There are 2 type installation that must choose, for typical installation, this option install the software at default location and include most program and Custom installation, this option lets you choose another location and choose what the programs will be installed
After choosing the type of installation , next step is installation process. This process will take a few minutes depend on your computer specs.

If installation success, will appear window that the installation software successfully
Next step is software activation you must activated the software for full version , if you don’t have activation this software only for 30 days
There are 3 option for activated the software.
connect to internet : activated the software using internet
Working off-line : activated the software using phone lines
Enter activation code : if already have activation code
If activation success you can run CorelDRAW x5 perfectly