Meaning Of Social Web 2.0 & How to use it
As the name itself suggests, Social web 2.0 is basically a blog platform with a versatile feature of sharing & viralizing your ideas to the Knowledge hungry people. Some of the very popular Social 2.0 websites that are used in the web are Squidoo lenses, Hubpages, Mashable. There are more of them but significantly with less page rank. These website follow a particular protocol, so getting your content is not that easy. Social bookmarking, back linking are the 2 most unique feature that people crave for. If you are advertising your product in social web 2.0 , then you're writing a true review of the concerned product.

There are loads of people who write reviews. The public seeks valid information on that product & they are navigated to these high ranking Social 2.0 websites. Google plays an important role in highlighting these websites. So any reviews or articles on any niches are most likely to be read by public. This way you’re having an easy time spreading your information to Internet. This free source can be utilized in a very neat manner if you're planning to market or participating in information sharing.
You can start off with some of these well known Social 2.0 Websites –
Hubpages, Quizilla, Webs, Wikispaces, Tripod, Zimbio, WordPress, Wetpaint, Blog, Vox, Xanga, Ning, LiveJournal, Friendster