NOKIA N73 or related devices problems
If you are having problems with the Smartphone especially Symbian based devices. The major problem is when it does not respond and freezes, or not performing well, the first steps are to restart it with the removal of SIM, BATTERY and place it for five minutes apart. The last step would be RESET but make sure to backup all the data and contacts before going for the last step to avoid the loss of precious data and contacts as they are very important to be on the device. There are PC Suites available to easily update/upgrade, backup/restore your software and firmware.

The following steps should be taken to overcome your Symbian based Smartphone problems:
- Take out the SIM and battery for 5 minutes and then restart the device.
- Connect to the PC suite to reset or reinstall the firmware software.
- Soft reset/hard reset.
- Removal of virus using combinations of keys (*, 3, CALL END button, POWER) all together.
All these steps require backup of the data so that no loss come to place and you will enjoy the device as you were enjoying before.
Accessing your Smartphone unauthorized is also simple as you need to access your device for some software to work, you only have to clocked back the date to the firmware date of the firmware version installed and after successfully installed reset to the date again. You probably need to switch the check certificate online to NO under the Application Manager Settings. Enjoy the TIPS.