The PlayStation Japan has recently launched their latest video about the forthcoming PS4 firmware Update 1.70 which will be unveiled on April 30, 2014. It’s been a grueling experience for users who purchased the digital copy of PS4 and Xbox One game. And luckily, after publicizing the next firmware update and posting some details last March to April 2014, Sony will make things more expedient for its users. This update will allow the gamers to download pre-order games from Sony’s Store earlier than April 30, so they can instantly prepare to play the games before the release day.
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This system software update will give heaps of major variations to the Sharing system, as well as the innovative ShareFactory video editing app allowing the gamers to gather more videos and compile them in a larger one, with comprehensive effects and a lot more. This ShareFactory feature is capable of adding audio tracks and filters to the gamer PS4 videos and save them in their external drive such as USB disk. This way, uploading to YouTube will be more easier and convenient. ShareFactory is a downloadable app, so if you are not into customizing video clips, you can just ignore this app.

It is also comprised with the option to take the HDCP video signal copyright protection off, which allow the users to capture gameplay through HDMI like the Elgato Game Capture HD. The update will also give the users a choice of pre-loading the games that they bought digitally off the PS Store.
Additional improvements are expected as soon as the PlayStation Version 1.70 update arrives.