The top 13 iPhone apps used by Women
With iPhone every application is possible to get. All applications that you think of have been made for such platform. This is the reason why many people are using their mobile phones to get more organized and keep a record of their day to day tasks. There are many women-specific apps available in iPhones today. If you are shopping for iPhone apps for someone planning to become a mom or a new mom, the following 13 iPhone appsare important to consider:
1. iperiod Ultimate – this is a period calendar which enables you to be on the top of your healthy as far as ovulation and fertility is concerned. Iperiod is able to predict both ovulation and fertility in women.
2. Woman’s Calendar – an iPhone fertility app that helps women either to get pregnant or avoid it. It helps you in keeping track of information concerning your health.
3. Contraction Master – this helps you in sharing your information about contraction with your doctor. You only need to tap on your iPhone app and start tracking and keeping record of your contraction data.
4. Intuition or mom’s assistant – a task schedule for mothers that allows you to capture your ideas, to-dos, wish lists, tasks and any other crucial details and have more things done at the end of the day.

5. Pocket First Aid – an iPhone app that covers a lot of information on how to save lives in Haiti. It also contains a lot of information for mothers to be or new mothers.
6. Baby bump – this is a pregnancy app which informs you about your pregnancy as well as providing you with good tools for tracking to get the necessary help.
7. Total baby app – an app in iPhone that helps you in logging and timing all aspects concerning your child care. This app becomes handy for first time mothers or those who are just learning on how to become a good mother.
8. Baby Tracker or Nursing App – an iPhone app that helps mothers to keep track of their baby nursing sessions with a few clicks. This allows a mother to relax and focus more on feeding her baby without much worry. It is a good way to get more focus on your baby. It also checks for disease symptoms in your baby.

9. Baby Names – a small iPhone app that helps you in finding a name for your newly born or yet to be born baby. This app comes with more than 8500 names for both boys and girls so you do not have to scratch your head while in that hospital bed thinking of a name to call your newly born baby.
10. The Pill – this is an iPhone app that is very useful in keeping track of your pills for birth control, so will not accidentally miss them. Women usually set reminders as well.

11. Dropbox – an application common to both men and women. It is an important cloud service which automatically synchronizes a folder between several computers. These computers may be running on Mac, Windows or Linux. It extends a Dropbox to your iPhone and incorporates an in-built reader for PDFs, MS files and image files.

12. Due – a to-do app that is efficient due to its simplicity and audio alerts, although it is only for iPhones.Try it if you need something which can sync with Mac, PC or Web. It is used by both men and women.
13. Evernote – a great note taking iPhone app that is useful to men and women who have gotten used typing on virtual keyboards. It works in a similar way as the Dropbox app.