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I don’t know why but, when I run my flash application from my XP PC system and connect to the Remote Flash Media Server I get an error message. But when I run it to another PC system, let’s say a Vista PC, it works fine. It is really...

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My computer memory storage is 160GB. I have total 4 drives.C,D,E and F. My computer is now a little slow and I think I got some virus on those hard drives. I want to format those drives except for C drive.

So how do I do that ?

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After updating my computer last night whenever I try sign on to Skype I am getting this error message.

Now I can't use Skype, and I badly needed it I am afraid to do something that I am not sure of. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but I...

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I am using Windows XP professional version and there is a firewall attach with this operating system.

Currently its on and I am facing some problem like sometimes I can't connect my wimax modem.

Please can anyone tell me how I will off this firewall?

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Now i am using old version windows media player. But i seen that there already latest version is 11 but i cant install it directly from the Microsoft website.

Will anyone please say me the way how i will install that in my pc?

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What is the best protection cover I use for a MacBook Pro that will not lessen the computer cooling system? Because the tendency in some cases will act like an insulator.  They can cause the computer to retain more heat, and therefore make the fan run harder.

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My friends/contacts on Hotmail complains me after every few days that they are receiving spam emails from my id. I search on net and I found out that there is a possibility that there is some kind of viruses on my PC. I ran a virus scan on my...

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I am using now yahoo messenger 8.0 in my computer but my friends using new and latest beta yahoo messenger. That why I am facing problem and cant see them in webcam. How and where i will get free latest yahoo messenger?

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Good day everyone,

I was a playing a browser game when suddenly an error message appeared. I was so mad because I was having so much fun in playing! Now every time I want to play in the internet, it always appears, so I can’t play properly.

Here is an error...

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I have a micromax q7 mobile phone set and it has Bluetooth.

I want to use internet in my laptop using my mobile phone via Bluetooth service.

So how i will connect both of the computer and mobile phone for Bluetooth service?

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