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I'm a beginner at coding, I know that int main () is where the program starts but on some websites I found instead of using int main () ( and return 0; before the last bracket), it was void main().


Is there any difference ? And does it affect the compiling...

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I installed the latest version of Skype on my PC few days ago. I am new on Skype, so I went for an echo/sound test voice. I clearly heard the voice of the operator and everything went well.

The next day, I added one of my friends on...

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I am using P4 processor and my computer is intel, I am using DDR2 ram and now its GB but i feel that my computer is slow. I think i need to change the Ram. Will anyone say me how i will increase my RAM speed?

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Please check the code I wrote.

The results I get are "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "

and what I expected is "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "

Can anybody explain what...

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I got so many virus in my computer that's why recently i bought kaspersky 2012 internet security but i can't install it in proper way so what do i have to do?how i can install it and how i can update it from their website?

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I use Photoshop CS5, when I do a lot of modifications on the picture and want to go back to a certain step I find that it disappeared. 

Is there any way to increase the history limit while editing a picture from the settings or something ? I searched the...

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i connected my laptop (acer 5920g) to my LCD TV using a HDMI cable. the sound is still hearing from my laptop and not from the TV. What is the solution to get the sound from the TV and not from the laptop?

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I am using Windows XP, and somehow my PC became very slow.  And I know I got lots of antivirus. So, I think I need to format my PC to get clean and also fast again.

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I have an application written in Java that needs to communicate with MySQL database, but on the other computer. What is necessary to allow MySQL database server such an approach?

Simply specifying the user name and password is not enough, because the server reports that were not granted access by...

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What is constructor and destructor in c++ ? Is every constructor is default constructor? Is it necessary to use destructor with constructor and what is their return type?

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