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Guys, I recently purchased a second ATI 6970 graphics card for my system to be run in CrossFire configuration. I expected graphics performance in games to double but FPS rate is almost the same as that with a single card. I have measured the FPS rate in "Assassin's Creed"...

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I am trying to install Ubuntu as a secondary operating system to my Windows XP system.

I booted from Ubuntu LiveCD, ran installation setup and chose to create an EXT3 partition in an unallocated space of 15GB.

However, during the "Installing system" step, I get a "Failed to create a file...

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I have a 320GB HDD that I want to format into five primary partitions through the setup of Windows 7.

The problem is that Windows 7 does not allow me to create more than 4 partitions. How can I solve this problem?



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 What is the main difference between shared hosting, virtual private server and dedicated servers, which one should be prefer ?
Actually I want to run my own server but I don't have any such idea related to this.If someone can give a better suggestion ?

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How do I insert an Excel file on Word document? I am preparing a Word document. I do have some Excel files as well which I want to paste in Word document and want  those to get that Excel file pen when user click the file icon.

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I have a WordPress blog web site where I personally post everything. I would like to upload a PDF file to link with another post but I found only the uploading option is "Add an image, Add Video, Add audio, Add media" so I cannot upload the PDF file....

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What will happen if I plug in one end of a cat5 (RJ-45 Jack) cable into

my computer and then do nothing with the other end of the cable?

Will the red cross be still visible from my network adapters icon

(in win2000, winxp or vista)

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When my computer switched on. Sometimes it tries to automatically shut down. When I switched on after that message shows that the computer hasn't shut down properly.

Please explain me what is the problem might be.

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If target device A has to send a DISCONNECT message after receiving 32 bytes of the 64-byte burst phase while the write cycle is on (due to its receive buffer size constraints), then what happens to the other 32-bytes that is awaiting a transfer?

Will it re-acquire the bus and...

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Hey guys,

I created an XML spreadsheet in Excel last night at home. When I open this file on my work computer, I get an error.

When I click the OK button on the error message window, the file opens fine.

At home, I use Windows XP / Excel 2003...

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