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HI, I have a problem in microsoft visual studio project

I have an application named GlobalHookDemo  in Microsoft visual studio 2010 which is coded in c# language. When I debug or run the GlobalHookDemo program, the Microsoft visual studio compiler returns an error.

Error is:

Error while trying to run the project:...

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I faced this problem during Windows installation. When I install Windows XP, I see this error message. I tried many times but the same error message is shown on the Windows screen.

"The installation was canceled

Any changes that were made to your computer during the installation process will not be saved.


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Hi everybody I need little help to solve this error. I installed lookup tools in my computer and when I active it, then I see this error message. Why I see this error message?

"ErrMsg 0x000007

Error Message Lookup

The storage control blocks were destroyed".

I cannot use this lookup tools for this...

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Hi I faced a big problem. I cannot install this software in my computer. I tried many times but every times show this error message.


Error 1904. Module C:Program Filesiisadminztray.ocx failed to register.

HRESULT-2147024770. Contact your support personnel".

I don’t understand what I should do. So I need help for solve this...

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What do you mean by SDLC and STLC? What are the different phases of SDLC and STLC? Differentiate between both of them.

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I use Opera 9.64 Internet browser software for browsing because I like Opera 9.64 so much. But recently I faced a problem in installation. When I install Opera 9.64 then Windows shows an error message.
Opera 9.64 - InstallShield Wizard
Installing Opera 9.64
The program features you selected are being installed.

Hi, when I install Windows XP then it show an error message. Windows show that it has stopped working. But I do not stop it. Automatically it is stop and not works. Many times I try and same error.

"Windows installer has stopped working.

Windows is checking for a solution to...

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Hi I want install Windows 7 but all times I see an error message on screen. Error code is 1601.

I don’t understand this error message.

"Installation can’t continue because the windows installer could not be accessed.Error Code: 1601"

I need help to fix it. Can anybody help me?

How can I solve...

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Hi, recently my computer attracted my virus. Now I want install Windows XP.

I use Windows XP service pack 2. When I install Windows XP then I see an error message.

I try many times for install Windows XP but all times I see same error. 

"This installation package could not be...

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Hello dear, I need help. Recently I cannot setup Microsoft Office XP software. I install Windows XP and now I cannot install it. I always use Microsoft Office XP and never face in this problem.

"Error 1706.Setup cannot find the required file.Check your connection to the network, or CD-ROM drive.For...

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