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Each time I shutdown my computer (Win7 64-bit) it asks me to force shutdown applications, and it's annoying. Is there a way to just force shutdown immediately?

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From few days my system is not working properly when I start my system then I receive error that hard drive is not attached. Then I buy 1 window DVD from Market and try to install it when I am installing window then I want to delete portion of...

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I installed Skype in my system. It was working properly for me. But today, I installed Google Chrome in my system. After the installation, an error was generated. Now Add-On problem appears. I don’t know how can I remove this problem. I also clicked the link but I can’t...

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I am using Internet explorer from previous 3 months, but today internet explorer is not working properly.

I open in internet explorer, and play one video then I can’t listen its voice.

When I receive this error then I check my system sound driver it is also installed, but why...

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I am using NetBeans for java work. I want to develop 1 application. In that application I want to get some data from database. For database access I don’t want to use SQL or Oracle. I want to use MS-ACCESS because those peoples are not computer expert so they...

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Very Strange Error In NetBeans.

I am Java Developer and also used many JAVA tools for example JDK, JRE and JDeveloper. But now I download NetBeans from internet and install it in my system. Now I want GUI (Graphical User Interface ) Form. For I this purpose I go to...

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Today I am trying to install CCleaner in my system. For this purpose I go to and download this software in my system. And then double click so that I can install it In my system. But when I try to install it then installation start but after...

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First I am using Monitor. But due to eye effect I replace it with LCD.

But today my LCD is not working proper when I try to open any media player or any game then I receive below error and some time LCD don’t display any thing also some time...

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I used Microsoft Excel 2000 but now I installed Microsoft Excel 2007. So everything looks new and I am trying to do work with Pivot Table like before but it did not display a list of formula. So I need to know how and what I have to choose...

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I heard Microsoft excel 2007 has many and more option than previous so I Installed Microsoft excel 2007 and I found a new option (Smart Art Graphic) but I wonder, for what purpose is it used?

I am very much interested to know about it and how it is used.

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