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I am a graphics designer. I use some animation and designer software.

I see a problem when I install AnimationLab v4 software on my computer.

Error message:

"Error 1311. Source fine not found:C:Users/ Verify that the file exists and you can access it."

I try many times but...

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I need help to solve this problem. I have been using Vipre Antivirus from long time. I did not face any problem before. At present I see an error message on screen when I install VIPRE Antivirus software. I don’t understand what the problem is and how can I...

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Hi I see an error message when I am writing some file. I use Windows XP service pack-2 in my computer.

Windows always say that you need to verify access to that directory. I tried many times but same result. So I need little help to solve this problem.This is...

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Hi there is a big problem in my computer. I locked some important file but now I cannot open that’s file.

I need those file because that’s file is very important. When I go to open that file, I see an error message. Error message is

Error Code 33

The process cannot...

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My free Anti-Virus which is Norton Internet Security trial version is about to expire in ten days. What should I do in order to continue or extend it without paying for subscription?

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My blog is just two months old now has an average of 10 views per day. It tackles about Personal Finance, Local News and Cooperative aspects. I am wondering why I cannot still get my PR. Can Anyone tell me what is wrong with my blog? Here is my blog (reytas dot blogspot dot...

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This is my first time to install an or the Open Office applications Portable Edition. And I have no OpenOffice applications yet installed in my computer. I am just wondering why this error message showed up even if there is no existing open office application in my computer....

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I have multiple layered Adobe Photoshop documents. Multiple layers are locked by me but not all the layers are locked. I need to modify some locked layers so I have clicked the layer then click the lock button to unlock the layer but it comes into my surprise that...

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I have 2 4GB USB drive. They are both Kingston and the same model, I bought the other flash drive and the other one was a gift from my friend. My problem is when I am using the flash drive, the one that gifted to me, I cannot eject...

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I have installed a licensed Adobe Illustrator CS5 transferred from my other computer. The copy was uninstalled from the other computer and installed it in a new computer. I did this before when I have the Illustrator CS3 and the procedure works. But in this new version the system...

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