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Why this problem is regularly happened to me. Every time I close my Adobe Photoshop even if I didn’t do anything on the application, the problem occurs. This was not happened before, It was just happened a few days ago and I can not fix the problem. It says...

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I have created a screen shot of loaded in FireFox browser and saved it on a specific folder under my Pictures folder. After saving, I browsed for the folder;  double click the image icon on that folder. I am surprised when an error message pops – up...

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I have downloaded a free Microsoft Office Visio 2007 application and installed it in my computer.

During the installation, I encountered no problem. The installation process was very smooth until it was finished.

After the installation, I run the installed Microsoft Office Visio 2007 and there goes the problem, the application...

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Hi guys, been having problems copying an mp3 file. What could the problem be ? Explanations please I was hoping to fix it myself next time. Here is the error message:

Problem Copying

Windows encountered a problem when trying to copy this file, what do you want Windows to do?


Type: FLV...

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Can you help me to respond to adds on craigslist. I never done this before. Please, thank you.


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Hi guys!


I use a mobile network modem for my computer and have confirmed with my service providers that it was working well and it’s because I can go to the network portal on Mozilla.  When I tried signing in to Messenger, I got this pop-up:


Windows Live Messenger

We can’t sign...

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Hey guys,

I am having problems with my Turbo C++. My computer is running on windows xp and when I try to operate it in full screen mode I get this error message:

The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal Instruction.

16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem

Turbo C++ IDE


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Hey guys,

Was trying to process a script and am sure I have all the privileges to access the file but the script editor fails and I get this error message:

Script Editor

Could not acquire script lock.

The current user does not have necessary permissions to make an update (including getting/releasing locks).


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Hey guys,

I’ve been having this problem after installing v4.00. Now whenever I start up my computer I get this error message pop up:

DAEMON Tools Initialization error. This program requires at least Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.21 or higher.


Initialization error.

This program requires at least Windows...

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Hi guys,

I had the visual studio 2008 installed because I couldn’t force my AIR installer to include the VS redist installer and sub-launch it. I then tried to convert a file and I still got this error message:

application was unable to start correctly (0xc0150002)

Adbefla2html5.exe – Application...

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