Recent posts

Hi guys,

I am running XP SP2 and was trying to search for a specific file using a common dialog but when I click on the cancel button I get no name in the filename field and I get this error message;

AME Direct Path/File access error (75)Read more

Hi guys,

I have a problem with my PhotoShop program. It runs fine for a while then it stops responding.

Anyone with any idea what could be wrong? Thanks

Here is the message:

Closing PhotoShop Elements

Adobe PhotoShop Elements has encountered a problem and needs to close.

Error code: c0000096

Address: 49e7629


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Hey everyone,

I’m getting problems with a AIS2009 and now instead of saving my files the screen freezes up for a second or two then I get this error message:

Autodesk Inventor Simulation 2009 Couldn’t create database--Exception: Unable to append data to file.


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Hi guys,

I just changed my hard disk with all the old files including the ones on C but still installed my old hard disk as master.

When I try to boot up my pc and I get this error message:

Run a DLL as an App

Run a DLL as an App...

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Hi guys,

I have my windows XP OS set up to automatically download  updates from Microsoft and I get the yellow shield that appears at the bottom right of my task bar to download and install updates and the downloading seems to be working fine. However it does not install...

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Hi guys,

I downloaded Photoshop and during mid installation the screen freezes up and this pop up window comes up after a while:

Adobe Photoshop CS4 installation failed with an error Code: 3221225478

Adobe Photoshop CS4 install...

Adobe Photoshop CS4 installation failed...

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Hey guys,

I am running a SQL Server and Windows 2003 server computers both on the same server computer.

I was trying to log in using windows authentication and the OS loads fine then I get this error message:

Connect to Server

Cannot connect to...

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Hey guys,

I get this error when I use hot keys such as CTRL+P or CTRL+X and they work pretty fine on Word. So what exactly is the problem because I thought they were kind of the same?

Here is the error message:

Microsoft Visual Basic

System Error & H80004005 (-2147467259). Unspecified...

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Am back guys,

Hey getting bugs with the GTA4 I downloaded via steam and now I can’t play, it takes a year to load up and I get this error message:





Got ideas on this one coz I have...

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Hi guys,

Was trying to run the media player with my XP service pack3 and got this error message;

The Windows Media Player toolbar is not compatible with this version of Windows

If you continue, the toolbar might appear incorrectly.

To check for an updated version, go to the software publisher’s website.

Do you...

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