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Hi Guys,

I was trying to import files into excel when I got this error message (see image) :

Fire Assay Calculator The file could not be accessed.

Fire Assay Calculator

The file could not be accessed.

Try one of the following:

  1. Make sure the specified folder exists.
  2. Make sure the folder...

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Now am a classic newbie with Ubuntu and I am trying to get the player to work with a bunch of file I just get. But when I load them up to the playlist I get this error message:

An error occurred

The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-1 Layer...

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Hey Guys,

Yeah I know the problem is supposed to be so obvious that I shouldn’t post but guess what, Firefox IS running and I still get these error message friends:

Zotero – Error

An error occurred communicating with Zotero. Please ensure Firefox is open and try again.


Ideas please!!


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Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to change settings of my player but I get this window when I try accessing the settings :

Adobe Presenter

You will need to upgrade Adobe Flash Player before using this option.

Press OK to install the latest player, or Cancel to return to your presentation.


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Hey Everyone,

I am unable to save figures in vector format (pdf, eps).

When I try to execute save I get this message onscreen:

  1. Error Saving figure
  2. Error usingèhgexport
  3. Error using èprint
  4. Error usingègraphicsprivateghostscript
  5. Problem calling GhostScript.
  6. System Error Saving Figure  returned error



I am not sure what the problem...

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I would like to ask for some helpful tips on how to increase organic viewer rate for my blog?

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I just got a new Xbox 360 and I was advised to get the NAT type on the router to set it as open. I also have a PS3 and was told the same thing before. In opening the NAT, should I do the same thing when the PS3 was...

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My sister got a new Wii system for her birthday and she wants to play with her friends online. How do we connect the Wii to get internet access so she could do her thing? Please help!

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What are the port numbers needed to be opened on the router in order for me to use the Microphone and other features on the PS3? Also, do I need to set the NAT type to open for me to use its full feature?

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Hi, I need a assistance for help.I need to install Windows XP in my computer. But I faced a problem in Install. Always show error message when installing Windows XP. So i want help for installing Windows XP. Can you help me? I see this error message.

"The Windows Installer...

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