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I have a couple of zip folders to email, using Hotmail. I made sure that this folder does not exceed the allowable file size. So, I made it sure that it's 22.3 MB. We knew that allowable file size is 25 mb. So, it does not exceed the file...

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Hi dear,

I have a problem on my computer. I want install this Application but all time i failed. I do not know what's the problem. Can anybody tell me, why i see this message?

"Application Virtualization Error

The Application Virtualization client could not launch smartplant  instrumentation

The operation failed because you do...

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I’m trying to send my files specifically jpg pictures into compress zip folder but this message “ File not found or no read permission”  appears which blocked the zip processing, this files consist of 174 jpg pictures which I need to divide for about less than 25mb for much...

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Hi I have a iPad and i want to update some software on my iPad. When i try it, i see this error message on screen.Error message is

"The iPod software update server could not be contacted.Make sure your network setting are correct and your network".

Why i see this error...

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Hi! I need some help for install LightScribe Diagnostic Utility software.

I see this message, but I don't understand this message. Why i see this message? Is this error ?

If anybody knows this problem please tell me details about it. I see this message,

"LSS Version:

                                       Status: OK

                                       Scan Complete-...

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import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.* ; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import*; public class Client extends JApplet implements ActionListener, ItemListener { Container contentPane; JButton butcipher,butquit,butsend; JLabel lbl1,lbl2,lbl3,lbl4,lbl5,lbl6,lbl7; JRadioButton chksub,chktrans; ButtonGroup bgroup; JTextArea txtplanetxt,txtciphertxt; JTextField txtsubkey,txttranskey,txtipadd; JScrollPane jscrollpane1,jscrollpane2; String cryptmeth="Substitution"; String subciphertxt,transciphertxt,ptxt,subkeytxt,transkeytxt; int subkey=0; Socket sc; PrintStream out=null; BufferedReader in=null; public void...

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I have McAfee virus scanner. I have installed it after installing the Microsoft Outlook.

That configured virus scanner for the emails. But I don’t know how to set it up to scan all the files.

It has the following configuration screen where I can select .zip files.

How to enable all files?

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Recently there was a power failure, and now I am not able to get my SQL server started.

I am getting the following error.


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)

Additional information :

Unable to open the Physical file"c:Program Files Microsoft SQL

ServerMSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESSMSSQLDATAPRPC61SP2.mdf". Operating...

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One of my friend has given me a Microsoft SQL Database.

How can I attach it to my database server.

The files I got are as follows.


Can you please put down all the steps how to attach this DB?



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I have written a java class to get all countries as follows. However, I need an optimized way of getting allcountries from a java library. Please suggest me a open source solution for this.

public class countries{


public static String WorldCountry=new String{"Abkhazia","Afghanistan","Akrotiri and Dhekelia","Åland Islands","Albania","Algeria","American Samoa","Andorra","Angola","Anguilla",

"Antigua and Barbuda","Argentina ","Armenia ","Aruba","Ascension Island",………………….




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