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I'm in the middle of my work and decided to relax a little, I open another program to play a game but before my game runs, a flash of serious errors occurred; it freezes all my open programs on my task bar. After a few seconds it’s all gone,...

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I use Windows XP and Windows 7 in my Computer. When the Computer starts then it advise me to choose a operating system, but this time keyboard does not worked properly and that’s why I can not start any operating system. Because In that time windows start normally. I...

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What is happening to my Adobe Photoshop CS3?

Every time that I close my Adobe Photoshop CS3, the application always displaying an error message which is I think related to program compatibility as what I have read on the error message window title and it says This program might not...

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I downloaded around 100 images from the internet. There were some images that I could not save because the system kept on popping-up a message stating that the file contains special characters. Upon checking the file names, no special characters were there.

I left the image and proceeded on to...

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My pc was once a victim of a fake system error scanner.

That was a virus so I scanned my HD with antivirus.

After scanning, my desktop was still disabled.

I can’t put shortcuts on it.

How can I fix this? 

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This problem started just yesterday.

Every time I have to execute my command prompt or even browsing on the internet, after opening my internet browser – Internet Explorer.

A message appear on the screen with a title System Shutdown having countdown time starting 59 seconds then when the timer reached zero,...

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How are you,

I am a rapper and I have been enjoying recording my music on my COMPAQ computer using Adobe audition for a long time with no problems.

However, the other day, while in the process of recording my music, a message pops up interrupting the whole process with the...

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I have been recording songs on my DELL laptop for a while now as it helps me play back and review the content. I have been doing that through the "mic input" on my laptop, but now I want to record the songs through my mic using the" line...

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How do you do,

I recently created a source filter using the Direct Show Streaming Model via CSource as the base class for the filter. My problem is I have been trying to construct as well as revise a filter graph using GraphEdit, but when I try to connect my output pin to...

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I have been using my laptop which applies Windows XP to play CDs for a long time without any problems. But my problem started when I tried to copy some photos I had saved in the laptop onto a CD because I kept getting this error even after retrying....

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