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Hello Gamers, Everytime i opened soldier front there goes an error that  popped out saying Data is invalid.

Please reinstall soldier front.. Why do i have this error?

I have reinstalled  solder front for many times.

I try the download new installer and this error have appeared many times!!

Help me get out...

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Hi guys,

I have a kind of basic knowledge on Sketchup  and also have gone ahead and a couple 3D structures in the recent past but I need a current view of Google earth to insert into Sketchup.

When I do find a location this...

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Good day to all, I cannot open all the online games installed in my computer though I have connected to the internet with good speed. I am running a Windows XP 32-bit OS.  

Few of these games are level-up e-games , game club and etc.

What would be the cause...

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Hello Everyone,

I am trying to run a couple of programs from Adobe CS3 suite on my desktop.

I run it on Vista but I keep getting this message:

Microsoft Windows.

Adobe Encore has stopped working.

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if...

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I was researching a problem regarding k2.dll in the internet but doesn't see any words that showed up.

This morning when I was playing Hon while downloading some skins in the rainmeter. The next time I opened the Hon program promptly I got this error that says something about k2.dll.


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Hi everyone,

I’m having problems importing files I was encoding from Adobe media encoder:

Adobe Encore

The software that’s used to decode the media is not available on this system. Installing the correct decoders for the files you are working with may help us to correct problem.

The files...

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Hello everyone,

I think I have tried just about EVERYTHING I can think of to get my drivers to run.

I’ve uses Net Framework 3.0 and 3.5 and probably service packs. Reinstalling and re-downloading also doesn’t seem to do me much good. Also tried installing it while then DCP is in...

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Good Morning, I created a backup of the disk image using the DVD Decrypter, but I don’t know that when I am trying to burn the image its says that the image doesn’t fit on destination Disc.

Any helpful tips guys? What should I do now?

Oveburn Request

Overburn Settings

image doesn't fit...

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Hey guys,

I got a serious issue with my graphics card.

When I start up my computer this error message comes up on screen:

Catalyst Control Center: Monitoring program

Catalyst Control Center: Monitoring program has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

If you are in the middle...

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Now I had this problem before but I got a dell technician to fix it. Apparently my hard drive was the problem and so they got me a new one.

But now am past warranty and this problem has cropped up:

The Catalyst® Control Center is not supported by the...</p> <br/><br/><a href=Read more