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Hello guys!

I tried to log-in this morning in my Windows Live Messenger account. Unluckily, I got an error that needed troubleshooting. I clicked it but unable to find the right solutions. Can you help me fix this problem: 

Window Live Messenger

We were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger, possibly because...

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While I was trying to open a site in the internet Explorer 6, I encountered a script error which is hard for me to fix. I have attached here the screenshot of the error and the URL that  causes the problem.Is there anyone who can find me the solutions...

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I opened my saved game from other pc which is shared on the network. It runs for a couple of minutes but then stops. I have a couple of shared games and they run smoothly unlike this one (Need for speed games). Of course I am sure that the...

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My Operating System is Windows XP Service Pack 2, AGP, LAN, Mainboard All Device are installed in my computer, but after a lot of trying I am unable to Install my sound card, some unnecessary sound card are also installed for testing, there is no result, maybe appearing hardware...

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Hi all;

Is there a way to block a stolen cellphone permanently?

Someone stole my brand new cellphone, it is a Samsung Corby2.

So I really want to block it permanently ,like even they try to unblock or access it, it will not open,so no one can use it.

thank you.

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Hi All,

Create rule to move mails to specific folder Gmail?

I have 100's of emails coming in from a domain and need to move them. In Gmail how can i create a rules

Also how can i create a new folder.?



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I have many song formats in my computer now I want to convert that song in some other formats for this purpose I am downloading one converter from internet and install it on my system but when I give any song to this software for conversion for example.

I select 1 flv...

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Hi Guys,

Today I am trying to install SQL Server 2005 in my system, but it gives a message that selection components are being configured, and when I receive this message then I press Next button but the same message appears again.

I was using Windows XP a month earlier and...

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I am using SQL server from previous 2 years. Today I wrote one query for getting some useful information but when I executed this query, then I received the below error. After executing this query MYSQL is not working.

Any one tell me how can I remove this error. I...

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I am using MySQL.

Today I wrote one SQL query and tried to execute it. But it generates the below error for me.

In this query I am using an outer join operator. 

I created one table now and I want to get some useful information by applying this query.

Can anyone tell me more...

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