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I am using SharePoint now I click at open with explorer then I receive error that your client does not support opening this list with windows explorer. I am using Window Server 2008. Please anyone tell me how can open share point files with explorer.

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Windows Server 2008–Manual Windows Update Error Code 8024402C.

What is this? Very annoying error for me. I update my window 20 times from previous 3 week But this error appear again and again. Why this message appears again and again when I try to start work in Excel or word...

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Hi Dears,

I am using this Windows 2008 R2 64 bit server and using this window at Client Windows7 32 &64 bit & windows XP machine. Now I configure the terminal server also configures VPN. For this purpose I use open VPN. Now I install some separate windows at client...

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I install Cold Fusion on IIS7 and Configure IIS for ColdFusion, and I do these settings at Windows Server 2008. But when I try to install ColdFusion on Window Server 2008 then I receive HTTP 404.3 Error, HTTP Error 404.3 -Not Found.The page you are requesting cannot be served...

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I am using Windows Vista.  Now I am trying to install .net framework 3.5 but when I try to install .net framework in my system then I receive, role management tool error. Please any one tell me its solution how can I install .net framework 3.5 in my system....

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Today I purchased a DVD from one shop; then I tried to install this Window in my system but when I tried to install this DVD I received the below error. Can anyone tell me the reason why this error appears?

Is this error due to DVD problem or DVD...

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Today I was trying to install SQL Server 2008 but it gave me an error message after completing some stages. I tried to install this program almost 7 times but sometimes it gives an error in the beginning and some times it gives an error near completion. I am...

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I am lab admin in university and I am using Window server 2003 at server, and I am using Window XP 2006 at client PC’s now I am trying to connect the server through client machine and I am doing this work through Remote desktop connection.

When I give IP...

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Microsoft CRM 4.0 & Windows Server 2008 R2.

I download Microsoft Dynamic CRM 4.0 server and install this program on Windows Server 2008 R2 and I am using x64 machine after some time I received messages of successful installation.

But when I try...

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Hi Guys,

I am using Windows Server 2008 for networking purpose. Today I am trying to View Server Manager but I am “Roles” Notification. Error appears with error details of unexpected error refreshing Server Manager and an exception code: 0x800B0100.

Due to this error my...

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