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Guys need serious help.  I have two HP computers in my LAN.  Connections are ok, I have just confirmed and was in just updating their BIOS.

I can RDP into their machines but it prompts me to say that there is a user logged in and I will boot them...

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Need help guys,

Got a ThinkPad T500, it runs on Windows 7. I recently updated the graphics drivers Lenovo’s recent Wind 7.

Whenever I boot up or the CCC is run I get this error message on my screen

Could not load file or...

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I have 3 computers with debian Linux installed since one month. They are working smoothly but i have the problem that they cannot read or mount he USB disk since yesterday, while i starting doing some personal work, like copying huge files or transferring data. I want to know...

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Hi guys,

I just got the latest  from futuremark.

I’m having problems running the test in 3DMARK06. I do like the first game test and the benchmarks finish ok and then I  get this error message:3DMark06

IDirect3D9::GetDeviceCaps failed: Not available (D3DEER_NOTAVAILABLE)


I’ve searched all over got nothing of real help.


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 I keep getting this message box when I start up my computer:

Catalyst Control Center Notification

The features in the ATI Catalyst™ Control Center View do not support the current active graphic processor.

To launch the Advanced View, click on the Advanced View button. Otherwise, click Exit to close this dialog.

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Hi all of you libvirtd daemon is unable to start. The Virt - manager gives the following error.

"Unable to open connection to hypervisor URI 'qemu:///system': unable to connect to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock', libvirtd may need to be started: No such file or directory"

I need to know what to do now that i cannot change anything in this configuration and I don't...

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Hi guys

I am having problems using my Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 features ever since I got it.

The programmer itself installs okay but when I try to launch it this error sign keeps popping up.


LoadLibraryEX Startup.dll failed with error 127. The specified procedure could not be found.

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When I try installing Java on my Windows 7 Machine this error pops up:

Error 1723. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact you support personnel or package vendor.

I tried searching for solutions and tried...

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I am using debian Linux and the browser chromium.

Recently i wanted  to quit Iron after running chromium but i faced this error telling me " your profile cannot be used because it is from a newest version of Chromium

Some features may be unavailable please specify a different profile directory...

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I am currently using a laptop  in a lightning prone area. I have noticed that every time a lightning strikes while I am touching the keyboard I feel some sparks and as though am being electrocuted. What could be the problem?

Is it normal?

Or what should I do to avoid...

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