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Hi ,
this is a problem connecting from my Windows 7 Professional to Debian Linux using Remote Desktop Connection. I saw this error message “Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.”

I tried VNC and it works...

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I am having a problem with my Vista machine, whenever I play any game (Need For Speed Carbon, Call of Duty, etc.) it crashes and screen turns black other times it freezes requiring a manual reboot because of this

Display driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered

Display driver nvlddmkm stopped...

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As I can see people are using this site to resolve Debian errors and I would like to ask some questions about the error I discovered using VirtualBox I did not know what to do.

Please this is the error as I saw:

The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to...</p> <br/><br/><a href=Read more

Definitely debian is not easy to install and this time i have this

Error " no boot loader installed" what is the boot loader and how can i install it ?

Help this is not an easy one. Should I continue the installation by forcing  or clicking the ok button? i...

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2 days ago with the Debian, I got an error " no kernel module was found." through the install procedure of Debian and for multidistro. how does it work to get installed?

It is an iso. so iso is Cdrom. how could I make it transformed on my pen drive...

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please help .Someone can have experience to resolve this error or to give a quick answer to help me because
Parallels Tools upgrade in Debian virtual machine fails with error and the message was like this "

"An error occured when downloading components for building Parallels...

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I have a problem in Debian Linux when installing from the USB and the error was stating "an error occurred when attempting to get the device information error 8"

Can you help me .I know you are here to help please don't abandon me question look at the image illustrating...

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i have this problem when trying to login with debian and i really confused because i never seen this before and i want someone to help me resolve this problem  and tell what to do next  to avoid this type of errors in the future

this is the error  "Linux...

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hi guys

i am very happy to discover this website because i have a serious problem while installing Debian in my computer and i finally have this error message : "Debian Error Network autoconfiguration failed"

did someone already encounter this and how do you think i can handle the issue ?...

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I have using the service of Microsoft Exchange,and my outlook calendar is synchronized with this one.

But sometimes I faced problem while doing some work on the calendar and during its saving.

I have got an error message like: Microsoft Office Outlook


Microsoft Exchange is currently busy. If...

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