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When ever I try to install Windows Vista, I get to the checking compatibility stage on upgrade. The exact error message is saying
Runtime error. Abnormal program termination."  I'm getting the error message window just like the one below:

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I tried opening a PDF file I get this error message: "The file is damaged and cannot be repaired." I also get the error when I click on the User Guide options from the ASAP Utilities Excel menu. Have any of you any ideas on how to solve this?

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I tried accessing using my Firefox browser but I'm getting Request Timed Out or Network Timed Out. I was able to access the same website a while ago. How do I resolve this problem and what's causing this? Please help. 

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I'm getting errors after using Orphan Finder in Microsoft PowerPoint 97. The exact error message window I get is

PowerPoint found an error that it can't correct. You should save presentations, exit, and then restart PowerPoint.

This is whenever I attempt to display the Visual Basic Editor in Microsoft PowerPoint 97.

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I'm having trouble opening an .exe File Extension.

The  error message is something like "Path to program is not a valid Win32 application.

 I tried opening other .exe File Extension but unfortunately I still get the same error message saying it's not a validWin32 application.

Please help.

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Hello TechyV gurus, 

I am having problem with my McAfee software giving the message that "Your computer is at risk" and telling me that Real-Time scanning is off. A friend advised me to remove McAfee then try reinstalling it back.
I went to the add/remove program then try to remove McAfee,...

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I tried upgrading my Microsoft Office in Windows XP but I received an "Error 25003" error message when I ran the Setup program to upgrade my installation of Office XP.
It seems that Microsoft Office setup cannot continue because the installation source has been corrupted.
Please help. Thanks!


I'm getting the "Generic Host Process for WIN32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." error message window. I think this is right after I installed my HP printer driver,

I'm not really sure why I'm getting this error.

Please help. thanks!

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Whenever I try to run my  NUUO software, a  video recording software or some kind of  surveillance software that I use, I'm getting the "can't properly load database template" error message.

How do I get rid of this error?


Can't properly load database template.  Please re-install the system to solve...

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Hi All,

I have a Sony Vaio laptop and a Vista OS. Every time I turn on my laptop an error always pops up saying my anti virus (Kaspersky) is not working.

Please see attached photo for reference.


Microsoft Windows

Kaspersky Anti-Virus has stopped working

Windows can check online for...

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