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Mankind’s Milestone in Information Storage Information storage approximately begun since mankind started, as apparently shown through paintings and carvings illustrated on caves, rock walls and ceilings. Vital sets of information are needed to be stored and passed for the next generations. CD Rom, DVD and flash drives are the...

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My CD ROM is stuck because of the broken CD in it. Please tell me how to open it with without opening the computer cover because it is locked too and I don't have its key.


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I bought new video card before couple of days, and I have a problem. When I installed the video board in my MoBo and rebooted the system the POST (power on self test) was terribly slow. Before it passed for seconds, now it needs around 10-15 minutes. I tested...

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Hi Experts,

When I connect my office computer Windows 7 machine via VPN, I get Atbroker.exe error. I get this often and the only solution is to restart my office system via a script or ask a friend to hard reboot the system. Can anyone help me with a proven...

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I want to uninstall the AVG free but it is neither uninstalled nor works, should i reinstall windows or is there any solution without reinstalling the operating system, found my solution please.

Error file is attached herewith, see it to know the details.

AVG product not installed, uninstallation request ignored.-0xE001D02B

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I was working with DISK MANAGEMENT system. Unfortunately, I deleted my D and F drive. All my important documents were there. What can I do? 

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What is Multilayer Perceptron? How we can train Multilayer Perceptrons?

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Hi all,

When my brother's kids are playing a game in my Laptop, they accidentally pressed some keys. So now, the (Display)screen became upside down.


Could anybody help me to keep the screen display in the correct way?




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I am using windows XP, with this specification Intel core 2 duo e6400 2.13 GHz, 1 GB ram, and 500 GB SATA 7200 rmp, and previously I had Intel dual core 2.50 e5200, 1 GB ram, and 500 sata, while using windows XP my system is working slow while...

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Why does my PC crash when on gaming high quality?

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