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Excel macro or script that can make all data into caps in a excel sheet Some easy way which I can use to make all words CAPS.


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Help with a easy way to retrieve all computers in the Domain With Operating system details.

I would need a way query which can be used to retrieve information of all machines with OS and SP if possible.

Thanks in Advance

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Hi Experts,

How can i remove a single space from the front of each cell in a Column.

I want a formula that i can use to remove one empty space in front of each words or words in the cell.

I have data as below

   Hand OK


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Simple excel question. How can i convert a row of data into column

I have an excel in Row 1 i have 100+ cells of data.

I want to get them into a Column

Can anyone help me with a script or a inbuilt way to achieve this.


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RAM (Random Access Memory) – A Brief Overview Random Access Memory, abbreviated as RAM, is a common form of data storage in computers. At present, it is generally used in form of several integrated circuits, which enable the user to access the stored data in any "random" order. The word...

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Six-Sigma –A Brief Introduction Developed in the year 1981 by Motorola, US, Six Sigma is the term used to refer to the popular strategy of business management used in various industries today. It aims at improving the process output quality by first identifying and then eliminating the various causes...

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Why are iPhone applications so expensive to code? Why are iPhone applications so expensive to code? iPhone is the latest buzz in the communication world. People can be ambivalent towards Apple, but it's impossible to be ambivalent about the iPhone these days. The gadget is so...

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Windows 7 vs. Windows Vista Versions and Variations Windows 7 is the latest OS from Microsoft’s arsenal, the previous one being Vista.  There was a big hype when Windows 7 was released that its performance will be better manifold when compared to its forerunner Vista. We will...

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Top tips for Windows Server 2003 Some very useful shortcuts and tips for all Windows Server 2003 users. It is a fact that Microsoft takes us for granted! Yes you heard it, the company thinks that we can read their minds, but the fact of the matter remains that some...

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Uses and functionality of Wireshark What is Wireshark Wireshark is a free open source packet (network protocol) analyzer- the most popular in the world. Basically, what Wireshark does is that it captures all information related to network activity from a computer. This information can then be used...

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