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I had my first generation 4 GB iPod mini refurbished with a new screen and battery. After that, all seemed well apart from the problems I am having when charging it using an AC adapter or a car charger. The problem is it only charges when connected to a...

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Hello, Tomo-san here! Please assist me for I am having trouble with my new set of DVDs and the movies I’ve downloaded from the web. My DVD driver could read the title of the movies, but when I tried to play them with either media player or VLC media,...

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Dear IT Support, I need your help on this. I’m having a problem with the CDA Converter Software. I have a record in a CD which needs to be transcribed after it has been transferred to the computer in a way which would not compromise the CD’s content. I...

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I removed the software of my Vivitar 5195 Digital Camera from my computer. Now, I want to re-install it but the problem is I do not have the installation disk with me as I am now abroad. Is it possible for me to find and download the software from...

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I took Computer Program lesson about MS Office v2007. But I’m still using MS Office version 2003. Could you recommend at least 3 latest software programs in terms of Word-processing? I also would like to ask what brands do you recommended which would suit my needs. It should have...

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My work computer is experiencing issues with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Whenever I try to access some of my files, I receive error messages like "Acrobat could not open the file because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been corrupted." I would like...

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Hi there! Is it possible to make the MBP into a desktop? I wish to make my MBP into a desktop; that is, to set it up and use it as a desktop. I don’t have any idea on what should I about it and what will I need...

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My hard disk space is becoming smaller with time. The Java application is taking a huge space on my hard drive in the computer. What is the important function of Java in my computer? What would happen if I am to delete it?


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Hi, your advice please! Do I have to remove illegal software in my laptop before having it checked at Apple Service Center? I have a MacbookPro v2008 needing some battery replacement. However, I have one software application which I’ve got from my friend for free. The software is Final...

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I would like to ask anyone out there who is using Windows Vista. Well, what could you tell about the program?

I purchased a new laptop a few months ago.

The package comes with a Certificate of FREE to Upgrade Windows Vista and I received an email from them.

But I’m quite...

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