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Requesting for your help please! In my PC, the Windows XP taskbar was originally positioned vertical left while the start menu icon was at the bottom left. However, due to an unknown reason, the taskbar‘s position became horizontal in the bottom on the screen. On the other hand, the...

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Apple's IOS 5 is bugging me.  It is nothing like the IOS 4 which worked fine for me.  Now, I could not get a consistent output from the system. 

-There is intermittent click whenever I am typing

-The music and sound work sometimes, often they don't

 -There is a long lag whenever...

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Hi there! I need some help for these confusing errors I encountered while using my PC. The first error was with my Windows based program. I always use AirTunes with my Mac and it plays well. I want to ask how to use Airtunes on Airport Express in Windows...

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Hello.  I am using Mac OSX version 10.5. 

I recently installed a Media Player from Adobe. 

The problem is that whenever I run the application, it does not do so. 

I already tried to re-install the product but the result is the same. 

How can I solve this problem?

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 Hi there! I have some creative stuff particularly some digital paintings which I did using some computer programs. I just want to ask a few questions in order to make some corrections/adjustments for what I did. I am currently working on game models for computer games. In order to...

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How does Intel’s Dual Core differ from Core 2 Duo? 

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I am curious about whether you could or could not see noise reduction at the scale 1:1.  Others have said that you could only see it at the said scale.  I tested this and found that you could also see it if the image is above 74 pixels on...

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Hi, I have a Photoshop CS4.  Whenever i include an adjustment layer over an image, Box pops up which shows the usual options such as the color, opacity and mode.  However, when another adjustment layer for example, selective color, is added, the options are now different.  There is now...

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Hello.  I have a problem when I embed the codes for Wordpress.  Should I follow a certain process?  Right now, I am just copying and pasting the codes from a page and then when I do this, it flashes the code right back at me on the screen.  What...

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I want my Internet Explorer to always go full screen when I open it or click a link on a website but it does not go that way.  I tried clicking the icon located at the top right and I also tried dragging it to full screen manually but...

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