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I have a many PC on our office time to time when do printing we save our files to USB and bring it to our computer server which the printer connected. Is there a way we can print individually without server permission? So that there will be no hassle...
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I work in a Telecommunications company as an IT maintenance. I have a problems on blocking obscene sites. Even if i install NAOME Software or Pornblocker. Our employee still using proxy site in order to open another site like this. Is there a way to ban these obscene websites?...
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I have an internet café with 40 units and my problem is how can I able to install them all, including drivers software in a short amount of time. What’s the process for this?
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Is there any drawback in using a Unix Program Cop system that scan the system for possible security flaws and provide user alert for security? Is there any way to minimize such downside?
Can I expect the next set from you soon? Thanks.
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I usually download games from internet. Mostly my download is 500 MB. I have a fast connection at home of around 5 Mbps. Now, why does it take me time to download this small file size, like up to 4 hours.
What’s the problem here? I have a fast connection and it...
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I’m an encoder an my job is to convert JPEG File or Scan File to .txt file or Microsoft Word and converts again to .xml and send it through internet. Now my question is, do we have a software that can automatically converts scanfile to .txt file? Any Idea?
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Could you please enumerate the disadvantages of making changes in a system's design to reduce damages caused by virus when connected to the Internet?
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Hello everyone. I want to replace my Dell Inspiron E1505's Random Access Memory from 512 Duo to 2-1GB memory. There are 633 Megahertz in the 512 one. What I want to know is, is it safe for me to install two 1GB 667 MHZ? Or do I keep the...
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I would like to know the reason behind using a Salt Value with the user password. In addition, please clarify how it is used in the encrypted value and where it is stored?
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What should I utilize in order to get full advantage of all the stuff a function references, if it is a random lisp function? How can this be recorded for transmission via the world wide web to another lisp process which would ‘unrecord’ and represent it? I would like...
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