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If a tag was built with an apparent meaning but afterwards started meaning something else, what should be done?? For instance, .cdr tag was built as a CorelDraw file ext, but afterwards it was utilized as a CD-R-Disc by 2 users . Correct me if I am wrong, but...
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Do you know how I can get answers to an archived question like this one? I hope that software questions like this have been updated in the past, to enable new users to learn from your experience. By the way, where do I post to request that a question...
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During the process of turning off my PC, all the icons on my desktop disappear for some time, and then reappear. Does this happen, or is somebody accessing my PC through a backdoor or something? I have AVG antivirus on this PC, but I am still anxious. This is...
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I wish to utilize the “Send Email” alternative in Windows apps on Windows 7, and I have been looking around since 1 yr for an easy fix which would permit me to do this and correct my registry, but I have not been able to find anything. Please note...
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How to define modeling and what are the advantages of developing a model? Moreover, I want know exactly, where the Admin model is included in an ATM machine processing system and the number of possible models that can result in its successful functioning. ..
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When I tried to download a game, I received nothing but a .iso file, and my PC cannot open it. What should I do, any advice? Do you know how to open .iso extension files, by any chance??
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I am posting here because I believe that you guys can solve this problem of mine. I inserted my VGA into another PC and it functioned properly. However, the screen did not display any signal. I have a feeling that maybe the RAM chips are not suitable for this,...
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I purchased a repaired NVidia GeForce 7900 GS 256MB VGC (Video Graphics Card) PCI-Ex16, having a PCI-Express x16 slot. I also purchased a power converted. After connecting it, my PC did not detect it. Thus, I searched for the drivers online and installed them, but the error message says...
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Can you help me in knowing the details about Use Case diagram and UML diagram? It includes the difference between the two, advantages and disadvantages, and the details of drawing the diagram.
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If your MAC address is 10. 0. 0. 0 class A, with forty sub networks, and you need to put sixty more new ones ASAP. However, you would prefer to provide for the greatest amount of machine IDS for each sub network. In such as case, which subnet mask...
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