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I’m a bilingual student (English & Spanish) and I have difficulties doing proper writing and essays.

I would like to know if there’s any software that could help me with grammar, styles (APA/MAPA) etc.

I could also use a program that helps with Spanish and...

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My computer has Microsoft Works 9 installed on it and I have received some Microsoft Word (.doc) files which I cannot open. Anyone can tell me how can I open these files?

I had a document created in Microsoft Works (.wps) and saved on a CD.

My computer got infected and...

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I was working with Data Mining in our Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services (SSAS). I then tried to process and analyze the data when I received this error message (see below). I was a bit new to SSAS so I turned to this forum for some help. Any...

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I encountered an out of disk error with our StoreVault S500 and I was trying to reclaim some space. 

However, I got this error message (see screenshot below). 

Our system administrator just resigned so I am a newbie in these tasks. 

I turned to this forum hoping I can get answers from...

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Hi! I want to know if I can access my corporate e-mail in Microsoft Outlook without being logged into the corporate VPN, the same way I can do it with Microsoft Entourage. To access the company’s Microsoft Exchange server through Entourage, I just have to point at the address...

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I recently installed Media Coder on Vista. 

It seemed the installation was successful but then one time when I started it, I got this error message, see below for the screenshot. 

I closed the error message and tried to restart and the same thing happened. 

Please help ASAP!  I can’t use the...

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I just found out that Microsoft Works cannot handle the formatting of my 70+ pages document. I decided to create individual page files and convert them to PDF.

To be able to create these files, I must eliminate all the pages in the original document except the one that’s going...

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I need to know if there’s a way to print all day appointments so they look like a yearly planner, with months and names for columns and days for rows, maybe in word or excel.

I’m thinking of something similar to the color coded yearly planners that can be downloaded...

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I need some help with my Outlook.

The e-mails I send from my own address in the CC field do not reach the Outlook inbox, although they do appear in the webmail on Comcast and on the iPod Touch.

This issue occurred recently, as last week I was receiving them in...

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Hi! I just started using Mac for the first time, after I  used Windows and Microsoft Office. I want to know how I can move the mail archive created on Windows to Office 2011. I also want to move the templates I created, and some other items contained in...

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