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Hi, I have an old laptop and it never gave me any problems until now.  Whenever I turn it on, an error would occur telling me to restart again.  I cannot use it since I am told to do this every time I open my laptop. 

Is there any way...

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Hello.  I am looking for a wireless card for my desktop.  However, I have no inkling on which brand to buy.  I would like it to be fast and reliable but would be cheap at the same time.  Do you have any idea what I should buy?  A lot...

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I recently bought a laptop last 2010 and it is still covered by a warranty.  However,  whenever I turn it on, it does not show my hard drive.  Even when I continue with the start up, it would pose a question asking me whether my problem is with my...

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I have OneNote files both on desktop and my laptop, and they are on a partition that is separate from the PGM files and shared files. Now, I cannot access the subfolder I have been using from the other machine. It says that the folder is inaccessible because it...

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I have a few questions regarding my recently bought second hand laptop.  It has a 512 MB memory.  Should I just add a DIMM (1GB) or is there a restriction on the matching of memory pairs? What should I do to delete the previous owner's files? 

If I do this,...

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Can I convert files from PageMaker to MS Publisher? I have a text document made in PageMaker that needs to be updated. We only have MS Publisher 2003 (but we will be upgrading to Publisher 2007 in a couple of weeks).

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Hi!  I would like to ask your expert opinion on this.  I am a student who likes photography.  I am currently the proud owner of a Canon XT/350D.  However, it was recently overshadowed by a T2i which is owned by a friend of mine.  It seems that the T2i...

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I am an avid fan of pet photography.  I do not have a DSLR yet.  Do you have any advice on what brand I should purchase? 

Would my budget of about $600 be enough? 

I would like to shoot pets in action.  The camera should also be nice to shoot both...

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I want to change the restoration delay time of the log shipping settings of my secondary databases from 15 minutes to one day. I clicked the “…” button on the “Transaction Log Shipping” properties, but there was an error during the execution of the Transact SQL statement, claiming that...

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Hi.  I really need help.  I tried to solve things myself and now I’m stuck.  Some time ago, a virus infected my computer so I tried to remedy it without consulting an expert.  Then when it failed, I tried to re-format my computer with instructions from the internet.  Now,...

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