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We really need some help please. We use a stable version of Debian (BIND 9.7.3) to host hundreds of domains which is updated weekly. One domain keeps being transferred by the secondary DNS from the master domain. Our records show that it is always successfully transferred but the serial number is...

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Opening (instead of saving) a file from e-mail or a website works fine on my PC which is running on XP. When I do the same on my Vista laptop, it says that the file has gone to a temporary folder, but when I perform a search, it’s not...

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I am not familiar with Flash media server and I am interested in how it is used. Who has knowledge on Flash Media Server 3.5.3 set up on Windows Server 2008 R2? I set up FMS (Flash Media Server) on Windows Server 2008 R2; however the...

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Hi!  I am searching for the best sound card to use when gaming.  I detest using head phones when gaming, so a sound card to support this would be better.  Also, I would like to use this sound card to record my music.  I would also like it to...

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Hi! I tried several times but I just can’t install the updates for Social Media and Networking that comes within Outlook 2010, because every time I get the error message “The expected version of the product was not found on the system”, and the installation is never completed. Can...

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Hi!  I have two information which do not coincide.  This is about my processor.  When I run it in a Windows 7 (bit:64) OS, it shows that the speed is 100 Mega-Hertz.  However, the core speed shown is different.  What info should I believe?

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Could anyone advise me on what laptop to buy specifically for gaming?  I have a budget of around $1,000 to $1,500.  I would really appreciate your expert advice.

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I have several files on my Apple Mac Mini and I am really worried if it will play or not. My question is, can the boxed software produce a multi channel AAC output? Because I think this would come out as PCM and through the HDMI of course.

Any ideas...

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I have been making an effort to authenticate email settings. When I enter my BIS username and password I get a notification thus “username/ password is incorrect”. Once my SP (Service provider) verifies my username, I choose the “forgot password" alternative which prompts an error “device cannot connect...

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I tried opening pre-loaded games at around 7am Pacific Standard Time.  This was from the downloader from Amazon's Games. Every time I do this, a notification error occurs stating that an error occurred.  Is there anybody else which has a problem like mine?  I tried searching at Google but...

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