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Good day to all.

Please tell me how can I solve this problem?

I had a hard drive failure, when I open the re-installed Lotus Notes I received a "database local access protection” message.

what shall I do?

Thank you.

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Can I upload the PhotoShop CS5 while I am still using my previous software PhotoShop CS3?Is there any conflict between the two?

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Every time I attempt to watch a video since switching to IE9, my computer crashes. It will act like the video is going to play and then it just crashes internet explorer. I always let it attempt to fix the problem but haven't had any luck yet. Is it...

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I am selling my old computer as I have recently as I have recently upgraded but I'm concerned
someone could still find my personal data on it. I did almost all of my banking online and also kept a lot of tax records on my hard drive.  What's the...

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I was trying to watch a video that a friend had sent me the other day and it told me I was missing a codec file. What are codec files and how do I get the one that is missing?

I'm a bit afraid of just goggling codec files because...

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My daughter wanted to give me an older seagate external hardd rive but when she plugged it in
to my windows 7 computer, it's not showing up as being recognized.  When we talked with the folks
at Best Buy they said I should just be able to plug and...

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My macbook pro is roughly around three years old and I've started to notice with more frequency that the machine does not want to wake up from sleep. I can tap on the keys several times, even open and close the lid and nothing seems to help. Is this...

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I was at my computer  and everything was running fine.

I downloaded something my brother sent me over email and my whole computer locked up. It gave me a funny error code.

I turned it off right away.  

Is it fried or can I turn it back on?

I know we have some sort...

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My son would like to modify his computer to look different and based on a computer game he's played and still plays.

My only question is, Will this affect the life of the computer because it needs to last him till at least college?

He said wasn't going to be doing much wiring, but...

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I”m having trouble keeping a stable VPN connection when I'm working from home.

I Have already purchased a new router and even moved it closer to my desk. I'm using netgear router. 
The outages seem to happen around 10pm and then it goes back to normal around 1130
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