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These days my windows XP PC is getting stuck regularly so it really annoys me as I have to restart my computer over and over again.

Can someone please tell me why this issue takes place?

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I want to know how to format my computer in order to reduce the cost of having to take it to a computer shop in order to getting it formatted. Since my pc has been regularly affected by viruses i had to take it to a computer shop in...

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I am looking for a good anti-spyware software for my computer as i have been very badly affected by viruses where I had to regularly format my computer.

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I have many games on my windows XP computer so I am afraid that some virus might spoil my computer so I want to uninstall some games from my computer so that is beneficial for my PC.

So can someone please help me how to uninstall a program from windows XP.

Thank you.

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I'm planning to upgrade my OS, what OS can you suggest? what are the advantages of that operating system? 

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Every time I turn my netbook on, I can only see the wallpaper.

I can not see any icons.

The start menu and task bar is gone.

It is really blank. I can not use my pc.

How would I fix this?

I can not open any antivirus because there is no icon.

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I was using my computer one day and then I inserted the USB flash drive DSE 16GB on my computer to open some important files. Suddenly, a storm just passed over our area and this caused my computer to unexpectedly turn off.

I turned my computer on again and I...

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I have lots of downloaded programs on my computer and some of them are not used anymore. I want to delete them so I could have a bigger memory space on my disk drive. Please help me to find a solution on this. Thank you.

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I’ve got this strange error when I tried to send a message through Yahoo Messenger.  I tried re-installing it, but in vain.

I even tried latest versions of Yahoo Messenger.


A Runtime Error has occurred.

Do you wish to Debug?

Line: 31

Error: Not enough storage is...

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Windows 7 x64

Compaq Dual core

Original install for Skype was OK. But after few days I got message about having insufficient permissions for HK_local Machine. After that I uninstalled it and clean registry.

However, I continue to receive a new error message saying...

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