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Hi all,

I am working on gridview control in c++.  I have used datasource to build the grid in aspx page. But the alignment i am not able to fix . Please check the following images.

In below grid view, Exception Type column is extending the space with its value.

Please provide...

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I have the following problem:

I was using my Asus R2H netbook on it's own power source (battery) when it suddenly shut down. I then connected the power cable while the battery was still in and turned it on. It started to boot for about 3 seconds then it suddenly...

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Hi all,

Please provide me a solution to insert the text which has apostrophe. Example : aaab's.

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Incorrect syntax near 'GH'.


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1


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   In my application, i have to format the integet values in JavaScript. I am using json object to fetch the values.I would like handle the formatting functionality in JavaScript.


 oServerSideTextBox = top.ltop.document.getElementById("jsonTextBox").value;
              if (oServerSideTextBox != "") {

                var oServerJSON = eval("(" + oServerSideTextBox + ")");

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My Windows 7 can't connect to a WebDAV server. An error message is showing up when I  try to connect with a WebDAV server. Can anyone please solve this problem?

Open Folder

\ is not accessible.  You might not have permission to use this network resource.  Contact the administrator of this...

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I am using Corel Photo Paint. But it is some time annoying.

It gives this error sometimes which feel me stupid, "Product Installation Unsuccessful Please Reinstall Error 24".

I want to get rid of this error permanently.

Is anybody here to help me?

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I have recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate on my notebook. The installation went smoothly without any errors. I have then noticed that 1GB of RAM vanished into thin air.

I have made some research and I have learn that this is a common issue on 64-bit as it needs more...

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I was using Flash Get but just downloaded IDM. But After Installation it give errors sometime.

I was getting this error whenever I try to download from idm please suggest me how to fix this error.

Hotel Management
The requested server name is valid, but it does...

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This Trednet router seems to give me hard times. I thought it would be easy to connect 2 computers (laptop + desktop) to the internet through this router but it seems I was dearly wrong. After I have configured the router everything went fine. I have also updated the...

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I'm an acdsee pro 2.0 user running windows 7 RC1. Now when I start acdsee and use it, closes after a minute or 2 because an error shows up. When I try to update I get the this error, "The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer...

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