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I have an issue my Samsung Sync master 720N. At a random time, the screen turns black for a few seconds as if its settings were reset and then the brightness menu appears and auto adjusts itself.

It's very annoying as I can't enjoy a movie or play a game...

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Hello. I have a GENIUS audio system 5.1. I have inserted the jack into the PC. It has immediately hit up and smoke came out of the cable and since then the system hasn’t worked properly.

It stills up but the lights are not as powerful. Also the volume button...

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Lately, when I find myself playing a more demanding game, my screen freezes while the sound still works perfectly. After a few seconds my screen flashes and everything gets back to normal on screen. I have taken a look at the notification that prompts me when this happens. I...

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Here’s the problem:

This morning I fooled around in Windows and when I’ve rebooted my computer no service was available. (Remote Access Connection Manager) and thus I couldn’t connect to the internet. After a while I thought of reinstalling the windows.

When I rebooted and insert the DVD with Win 7...

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I have faced a problem on using the Microsoft Virtual Studio. Any project of the Microsoft Visual Studio could not be enabled. The error message is given below:

Programmatic access to the Microsoft Office Visual Basic for Applications project system could not be enabled. If Microsoft Office Word...

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I seem to have a virus in my computer. Three friends of mine told me that I have sent them e-mails with titles like „0dg47 I9vhnhy” or „kehboq t0yok”. Those mails link towards the sites pictures-photos dot ru/img/zqqe dot html (first one) or reklama-v-tule dot ru/imgwqqr dot html(second one).


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I like to give a different interface  to my HSDPA modem's mobile partner software.So as i know i tried to change many dll files and other files too with modified ResHack. I could change it a little bit. But i want to change the whole interface.So my question is...

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I have quite a bit of a problem. I can’t uninstall any program from Control Panel or however I try. This is the error I get:

I am using Windows 7, and I haven’t received any similar error message up until now.

I haven’t installed any new software so I can’t real...

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I have installed Adobe Photoshop on my computer because I need this software to edit some of my pictures.

But sometimes I am unable to use this software because of error

Adobe Photoshop

Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error.

Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.

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I had two gadgets on my Windows 7 desktop but when I removed one gadget I can't find it anymore. Now I have only one gadget.

Where can I find my missing gadget?

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