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My HP 5500 Laserjet printer is having a problem, when i want to print it shows 49.4C02 Error code, i have check the cable but still the same is there anything else i can check out for ?

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Hi All,

Is Google come with a new OS

Can anyone explain what it is. Where can we get it. What hardware it runs on.

All details as possible as its very interesting to know about it

Thank you

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Hi All,

Hibernate Vs sleep mode in laptop?

I have a old laptop and need to know what are these.

As my Laptop battery drains quick now a days i need to know the power management details and these as well

Please help me understand



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For my home use and to work on Graphics what is suggested? A Dual core or Quad core? 

Can anyone suggest the difference as well please...

Thank you


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What is normalization? and what is de-normalization?

Explain different levels of normalization.

Can anyone help me understand this?


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Can we get SQL table content results, along with headers?  Say I have a table that has 10 fields of data.

Select * from Patients

I want to copy the content of the results with the headers. Is this possible, I am using SQL 2005?

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Hi All,

This is my 2nd question here and expecting excellent help from you experts

Hybrid cloud Vs Private Cloud computing?

How are each different and who or where we use them?


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Hi All,

What are the types if cloud computing

Been hearing a lot about this and thought can ask you experts for help.

What are the types and what are each.

Thank you

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Hello export,

I have one confusion about cakephp's helper. Cakephp have two type of session helper:

1) SessionHelper

2) SessionComponent.

Both are use for same purpose of to navigating with session value.

So Question is Why should we use two different Session helper for one same task? Is it against MVC structure?

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Please can someone help me. My computer won't detect my dvd rom. I tried my dvd rom with sata connection and ide connection. When I tried the dvd rom with sata connection,there would be no power. I tried all the 4 sata slots including the one which is used by my hard drive.

When I tried the dvd rom with ide connection, there is power but it is not detected by...

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