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Hi Experts,

Interesting facts about

I have been on this site for nearly a month.

But badly forgot the user name i had before so decided to create a new account and here i cam back.

Can anyone tell me a few interesting facts about this site?

How is it Good. There is...

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Hi to all!

I need help for writing a Firefox Add-on.

I have an idea of writing a Firefox Add-on for community. I want some experts’ advice on what are the things needed and how  can I get started?

I know Visual Basic 6.0. I hope that it is what I needed...

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Hi All,

Historical website details. How can we find?

I want to scan few of my websites and find the historical data of traffic my site made per day.

How can i find this?


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Hi All,

Outlook 2003 how can I get the updated GAL

I make changes on my Active directory say fields on mobile number and address.

When I check the exact persons name in outlook I cannot see them updated even after 2 days.

How can we force sync outlook to AD/Exchange?

Thank you

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Hi Experts,

Windows XP how can I clear the search history? When I search files in my machine the typed search is saved for future use. But I want to clear that How can I clear it? Not Internet Explorer rather the windows explorer.


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Hi Mates,

Security alerts in Microsoft® Outlook. Its annoying when i have an internal application or a script try sending emails from my outlook i get the security popup asking e to accept it.

Outlook 2007 and 2010 both i have this issue.

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What is a hosts file in windows XP I have seen people putting some content into the hosts file and removing it.

Why do we use it and what's the use?

The file that's in Drivers/etc folder.

Thank you

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I want to know how will I be able to set-up my full settings of my laptop (full settings is equal - Windows XP 3, office-2007, adobe Photoshop, adobe illustrator, acrobat reader, yahoo messenger, Skype messenger, team viewer, tally .erp, Google earth, Kaspersky, Google chrome, Macromedia Dreamweaver etc. all software are installed in my laptop) into my new...

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Search website for duplicate content?

I own a blog and there are many who post blogs. I want a free software or site that can scan the whole site and give me all that's copied within the site or from any other site

Can anyone help

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Battery testers. Is there any device that we can use?

At home i have 100's of AA and AAA batteries.

Now i need to dispose them but want to first check them if they have power or not.

How can i check it?


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