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Hello Sir,

I have a document in Microsoft Word 2003. It contains 4000 pages in A5 size. I have to print and made books of 10 copies. How can I print all these pages in a book mode? Can I set it manually or are there any options...

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I am using Page Layout Software Page Maker 6.5, I inserted Ellipse Object, I want to get the content in that shape to create a Boucher. How it is possible? I tried in many ways. But not possible for me. The client asked me to set the content in...

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Good evening everybody,

I contain more than 10,000 video files. Most of the files are in .flv format files. All these videos are played perfectly before.

At the time of formatting my system, I got backup them in DVDs. Now, when I tried to play them, some videos played,...

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Dear friends,

Here is the C source code :

void travpost(node *root) {
node *p=root, *q=NULL;;
do {

while(p!=NULL)) {


if(!=-1) {
if (!=-1) {

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Following is the script in perl.


open(TXT, "<nonsuch.txt") || $error($!);
@data = < TXT >;

print "Content-type:text/htmlnn <html>";
foreach $item(@data)
print "<li>" $item";
print "</html>";

sub error
print "Content-type:text/htmlnn";
print "<html><h3>Error: $_[0] </h3></html>";

I got errors while running...

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I just want to ask how to remove the Folder Options item from all Windows Explorer window that is under the Tools menu. I want to do this because I'm not the only one using my computer; I want to make sure that my hidden files and folders will...

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I use a regular expression to validate the date.

But it does not work properly. See my code :

function checkdateformat(userinput){
var dateformat = /^d{1,2}(-|/|.)d{1,2}1d4}$/
return dateformat.test(userinput) //returns true or false depending on userinput

Is there any other regular expression available to check the date...

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Good evening,

I have to prepare a table of accounting states. It contains about 40,000 records. And it takes more then 300 pages. But the problem is I have to set the row headings for every page manually. It is a burden for me.

How do you set it...

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Good Morning to all. Please help me. We do web development applications.

We face a problem with inserting a Flash Banner in a static HTML Page.

We follow the following code. It works fine on Firefox. But when we come to Internet Explorer, it overlapping the top menu.

We inserted...

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Study the following code :

<script language="php">
# Set a few variables
$site_title = "PHP Recipes";
$bg_color = "red";
$user_name = "Chef Luigi";
<title><script language="php"> print $site_title; </script></title>
<body bgcolor="<%=print $bg_color; %>" >
<?=$site_title; ?>
# Display an intro. message with...

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