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I just want to know some computer hardware parts of standby with some detail.

(1) Ram.

(2) Cd Rom.

(2) USB

(3) PCI

These are some question i want to know.


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How will I know if my hard drive in the PC is Sata or the old HD.

Thanks. Need answer asap.

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Has anyone tried using a DDR2 memory and plug it to a DDR capable mobo slot?

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When I turned on my PC, I get bluescreen with writings "Stop 0x0000001E". What happened? is all my files gone?

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In my PC I have installed MS Office 2003. But when I open MS Word, a problem occurred. The message showed "Please wait the windows configures Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003.” Then the error number 25090 occurred. What is the solution to repair...

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I'm using 2 IDE Hard Drives at the same time. One of them is primary, while the other is a slave.

For the past 2 weeks, I'm always receiving an Error message ,

Hard Drive Failure: The System has detected a problem with one or more installed IDE/Sata hard...

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I have installed Red Hat Linux in my PC. But I don't know about Linux very deeply. I know some basic things in Linux. What is the commendation to copy a document into another directory in Linux? What is the difference between Linux and Unix? How do I find files...

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Last night while I was watching a movie on my computer, on a DVD, suddenly the media player crashed & error came saying "Update your video codec immediately to resolve this issue".


Fatal Error! The media system on your computer is corrupt. Update your video codec...

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My network does not broadcast the "Network SSID" and not discovering hidden network SSID. I have configured and have added the SSID into my android phone along with password. But still my WiFi does not detecting network SSID?

Please help me regarding this issue.

Thanking you,

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I'm using 512mb ATI Raedon graphics card, with all the update drivers.

I have recently updated it, but my Catalyst Control Center is Not Opening anymore.

When I try to open it from the Desktop, Nothing happens. Neither any Error message, Nor it opens.

I have reinstalled the...

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