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I have downloaded a Word file from the internet.

But after some modification, when I try to save it, an Error Message says that

"Word can't complete the save, due to file permission error".

Then I copied all the data into a new Word File &...

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Last week my girl friend bought me a brand new netbook even though I already have a laptop. It was an Acer netbook with pre-installed Windows 7 starter OS. Then I planned to change the background wallpaper with our picture to surprise her, but the problem is when I try to change the...

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I would like to kindly know how to remove the programs which I have already installed into my computer.

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I just downloaded a game from the Internet. After some time of downloading it, an Error Message started coming every time I start an application, saying "Generic Host Process for Win32 Services".

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a...

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A BlackBerry can do everything that a cell phone can do, including sending text messages via SMS. It's also an organizer, a calendar, an e-mail client, a Web browser, a two-way pager and a palm-top computer. Although it can do some of the same things a computer can, it...

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What are the best gaming laptop brands aside from apple?

And the most durable?

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What is a USB Flash Drive? A USB flash drive is a portable device that is used to store data and information via the USB port on a computer or other media.  USB stands for “Universal Serial Bus.” It is a portal by which most devices are connected to...

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How to Set up a Virtual Machine Using Microsoft Virtual PC Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 provides you with a platform to create and run more than one virtual machine (desktop or server).  Each virtual machine runs with its own operating system.  Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1 now supports...

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What is Silverlight and why do we need it? It is becoming increasingly common to find a message suddenly appears on our screens, urging us to install Microsoft® Silverlight® when browsing through websites, and in particular, when we are visiting sites owned by Microsoft. But, many of us are...

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Hi There!

I have trouble of mouse. When I start my computer then it has no problem.

But when I click my mouse my mouse cursor will hang.

But then if I restart my computer so mouse cursor will active for the second time PC starting.

What is the mistake...

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