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Hi There!

I operate my computer for only personal use. Because it has some private and important secure documents.

Today when I want to enter that's secure folder, but I cannot access it.

hidden folder in new folder property

It is fully hidden. I mean that some virus has...

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Hi There!

We use DAP (Download Accelerator Plus) for various purposes. Most of the users like the software.

Also, we use a number of utility software to increase our internet speed.

I use DAP for download. Yesterday, I removed this software to reinstall an updated version.

However, the installation failed. Why?

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This is William Clark, & I have a problem with MYSQL. When I created a new database, it is not created, but generated an error message

db_create.php: Missing parameter: new_db(FAQ 2.8)

We can see the problem in the image also.

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Hi everybody,

Some problem with my Photoshop. Everybody knows that if we want to select some area in the Photoshop file, we have to just choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool. That's OK. But when I choose Rectangular Marquee Tool and draw on some area, it just selects only square area....

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Hi There!

I want to create a ‘Microsoft Outlook Express’ profile. But when I start to create a profile, then a proxy setting dialog box appears.

It says to fill up the entire requirement of the total field. (Example: Proxy server address, proxy VPN, APN, port etc)...

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I have been frequently facing the following problem while programming in "C": the error message "Unable to open include file." was entered at the time of compiling the program.

I checked the library of files, they are stored in my include folder yet the error message has entered while compiling;...

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Hi There!

I want to resize my html font size in ‘’. One day I upload a new template to change my ‘Blogger’ default template.

I have done all works perfectly.

After applying the new template, when I click to view my site then I see that my blog...

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Hi all,

I have to change the display of the PHP files extension as html files like .html on the address bar on the browser. I am using the following code for this in text file and save it as .htaccess.

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^(.*)-([0-9]+).html$ viewstudent.php?id=$2

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Hi there!

My office computer fan makes very loud sound noise. It is very boring for me. At last I have been deciding stop this fan. But if I stop CPU fan so my processor will be risky.

  • I mean that is already damaged...

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Hi there!

I use my laptop in my home. I read many forums about PC troubleshooting.

But I don’t know a simple option.

How to check my hardware configuration about 32/64 Bits?

I want to know this answer for installation utilities software and playing games.

Because, I...

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