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I have a 4 GB USB Drive, in which it has been infected by a virus.  After removing the virus (recycler folder) I tried to format the USB Drive but an error message appears telling that the drive is not recognized. Although in the windows explorer the USB Drive...

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Dear, I am trying to debug my application using Flash builder. Due to this error I can’t debug Action script. After lot of try I can’t remove this error so I post here for solution.

Detail of Error.

Launch Failed

Failed to connect, session time out.

Ensure that:

  1. You compiled...

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I want to Use Text Layout in Flash CS5. After using Text layout I make .swf file then I want to see its output in my browser but I receive below error.

Adobe Flash Player Security

Adobe Flash Player Security
Adobe Flash Player has stopped a potentially unsafe...

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I've a doc's file in my Gmail.

How can I open it?

As I tried more to convert it to doc, I still can't open it.

Please someone solve this problem and don't say change doc's to another Word it can't open.

Thanks to every one reading and those who will answer this...

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I have a big problem here with Microsoft Excel.  

As I was doing my work, my laptop suddenly shut down and I lost all the work.

What should I do now?

Please help.

I can't do that again from the start.

Anyone can help.

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Windows Vista User Account Control User Account Control(UAC) is a Windows security module introduced first by Microsoft's Windows Vista. Lately come with Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems. Its goal is to improve the security of Microsoft Windows by restraining applications access to standard user....

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I cannot open Temporary Internet Files folder in the user account in Windows 7 even though my user account is an administrator. There is no security tab either, in the properties when you right click on the said folder. Unlike Windows XP you can delete the content of Temporary...

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I have used Fedora and Ubuntu. In those version, I was easily using Yum command.

Recently I have installed Redhat Enterprise Linux 6 on my Desktop. And I have tried to install httpd package by yum command.


- yum install httpd

But it showed me a message, that there...

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Hi all

I want to ask one simple question that i want when i install new windows copy of XP , i want to know how to wide the drive C cause i want to add many programs but there is no space in C now so how...

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I have installed avast antivirus in my PC and i found that Trojan horse has gone into the system and creating late boot up so please tell me ways for protection of machine from the same and remove Trojan Horse from my computer.

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