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I have a MS Excel sheet and my project is to create a MS Excel tools where consumers can enter a certain quantity of multiple different products at given rates. That's very simple for me, just a few multiplication formulas.

But what I want to happen is that the final...

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I am using Microsoft Access 2003. Is there a way to create a MS Access 2003 macro that I will take a table setup several queries, run the queries on it and output all the results to a single report?

I want to be able to do this on different...

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I used to have windows and Ubuntu operating system installed on separate partitions where I had grub and I could choose the operating system. Now after I reinstalled windows, grub does not come up anymore.

I still have Ubuntu on the other partition. 

Is there any way to choose the partition...

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I am using Windows and I have heard that Ubuntu is very efficient operating system and all, and I was thinking about changing from windows XP to Ubuntu, but the truth is that, XP setup system is a very easy for me but I have absolutely no clue as...

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I want to  use Linux a try, and I picked the Ubuntu variant. I have some problems with the Internet connection though. I have a dial-up modem connection, and all the info needed in order for me to connect are the username and password (which I have).

Where can I...

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I am using XP SP2 and my computer screen blacks out ; my CPU turns off by itself after using it for like 3 minutes.

It is very frustrating when I do my work and I don't know what to do with it! The CD slot opens automatically by itself, when I...

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I have a laptop where wireless connection system is activated. We are some friends living in a building where every friend has a personal laptop. We want to communicate with each other by using net meeting. But we cannot configure net meeting. Please help us.

What is the process that...

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I am facing a problem that the mouse is not working on the computer while erasing the information from the computer. I changed the mouse on the computer but it still doesn’t work. To start the disk wiper I need to restart my computer. But I am unable to...

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I am using XP operating system. Whenever I go on my computer after a few minutes it just restarts for some reason. I have tried to restore my computer but can't because it will restart before it finishes. How can I stop the restarting or restore my computer when...

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My XP operating system create some problem. My operating system has been changed my desktop feature where I lost my important document. Now I want to Restore my computer in back date.

But my Restore feature on my computer is not working and my computer provides an error which is...

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