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I want to try open QuickBooks but I can’t open it.  The below error appears when I try to open it. Yesterday I entered some data in it and now I want to access that data but due to this problem I can’t access that data.

Please tell me the...

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I want print some documents by using printer but I am receiving port error. I configure ports but I can’t remove error. Please tell me this is printer error why here TCP/IP issues. Also tell me its solution how can I remove this error.

LRP Port Configuration Warning

The LPD Server...

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I used Windows 7 and service pack 2, I can not play DAT, MPEG and MP4 high quality videos in Windows Media Player but these will play another player.

"Windows Media Player cannot play this file. The player might not support the file type or might not...

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I installed Microsoft Word 10. When I set it up, it showed me that I installed it correctly but after opening MS Word, system error had shown. In my computer I use MS Word 07.

Now I need to upgrade to "MS Word 10' .

Set.exe -...

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Hay, friends

I have a secret file in a text document. I hid the text file to use lock folder apps.

Now I would like to open the file in Journal viewer. But it can not recognize it. I can't understand.

Windows Journal

Windows Journal cannot open "F:IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISoftFolderLockFake Folder.rar.


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Hello, I have acrobat professional and it has been activated. Illustrator is also installed but cannot open Distiller, returning the following error :

It shows Acrobat distiller cannot continue because Acrobat is not activated 

Click retry after activating Acrobat to continue 

Click cancel to quit Acrobat Distiller

Please help.

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Hi, i installed Adobe Photoshop cs3 in 'DreamWeaver' but it failed to open. In Windows XP i properly used it on my Computer.

After install Windows7 it shows this message.

Failed in Open document.

How i properly installed this application.

Any suggestions....

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I have a problem with my desktop computer when i connect to the internet and play music and video online it was so very noise and if i disconnect the internet and play music from my media player it was ok.

Is there a problem with my computer or the...

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I have just installed Corel Draw 5.0, and i am experiencing a problem while loading
the program, it stops showing a message "fail to load appboxid.xml.

The setup is compatible with my computer's specification.

I have Pentium IV 2.8GHz,512RAM, Windows Xp Professional(SP3).

Looking for an expert solution.


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Change the background color of the selected option, in a multi select combo box in HTML.

I am using a multi select box in my code.

If I select an option, it's background color changes to dark blue, which is I think the default color for Windows combo boxes. Is it...

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