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What is this Windows DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE error in Windows 7?

Thanks in Advance.

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I got this error while working on my Windows XP computer. 

For all I know, Windows XP automatically overwrites events that are less than 7 days old from the event log.

So I really don’t know why I am receiving this error.

I don’t know how to fix this, so if anyone here who...

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Why am I receiving this S.M.A.R.T. Status bad backup and replace error?

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Is jdbgmgr. exe a computer virus? What does it do?

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When I’m searching the net I always get this “404 error” or “page not found” error. What should I do with this?


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I have a Acer aspire 5100 laptop I left it for a moment, because I started a copy of a DVD ROM 

When I returned I found it blocked and too hot, I rebooted it But when I wanted to use the mouse (touchpad) and keyboard, they didn't work I tried to connect...

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Is it possible to tell how hot my CPU is?

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Windows 7 error. Windows stop DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error.

Please help to Solve this issue.



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I am just curious about this folder in windows.


What is this?

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It means that no program will run except my program beside this task bar, desktop windows key of keyboard, Alt + tab, and Alt + ctrl + del will also not perform.

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