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I am trying to connect Visual studio to SQL server but it gives error and I can not connect with SQL server. I want to fetch data to SQL but due to this error I can not do my work please tell me how can I get rid from...

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In our city DSL is not available and I am using a modem when I try to connect it with internet then given error appear and some time modem connected with internet but after some time it again disconnect and give error appear again.

Tell me its proper solution.

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While scanning my laptop, the anti-virus detected a highly-rated virus. It is expected that all antivirus would quarantine that. What I did was I deleted it in the virus vault. So, my question is after what I've done where would the virus go? I mean is it like the...

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My Mozilla Downloader is not getting any speed. Is there any alternative option?

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Dears, I am using Visual Studio from few days it is working properly but it is not working when I am trying to debug any code then given error appear according to my point of view this error is due to...

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Many people with information technology background always use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) in the bottom of their email. I think, it is a kind of digital signature.

My question is how to create my own digital signature or PGP? Can we use PGP if we use a free email provider...

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When I write code in Visual Studio and trying to debug it then I receive given error after it I remove my code and then I take code from internet and try to debug that code but same error appear again please tell me why this error appear and...

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An error occurred during the installation of assembly "Microsoft.Windows.Networking.RtcDll, type="win32", version="", publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df", processorAchitecture="x86"".

Please refer to Help and Support for more information. HRESULT: 0x80070002. Please help on how I can resolve this problem.

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I am facing some problem in accessing my gmail account. Can anyone help?

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I am using Inno setup that is used for creating setup of any thing.

I am trying to create a setup but from few days I am facing below errors and don’t know its solution and tell me is this error due to hardware or software.

Error: 339-Component ‘Codejock.skinFramework.v13.0.0.ocx’ or...</p> <br/><br/><a href=Read more