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I am facing problem to install the game assassin creed II.

Tell me someone is it a windows problem or what!

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I am user of AutoCAD and I am trying to install AutoCAD in my system but I am facing given error when I try to install this software.

Detail of Error.

Installer Information          

Error 1935. An error occurred during the installation of assembly ‘Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Comm.on.Version=’””,Public keyToken=”eed84259d7cbl30b”, Culture = neutral”,...

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I cannot connect my bluetooth headset with my phone. Somebody help me.

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I want to buy a new AGP card. But I cannot decide which one is better. Can someone help me?

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It was my first time using a rocket dock and I didn't know that the folders placed inside it, were just a shortcut of the folders placed on my desktop. I deleted all my desktop folders not knowing that it will also be deleted inside the rocket dock. What's...

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I setup Ubuntu last week. Though i know it doesn't support the .exe(executive) files. And then found their software center to get started with Linux.. I setup GMAMEUI(Emulator) but it doesn't found any games but still show me that game is downloading. Is there anybody could help. How to...

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How does a website, advertisement know where i am and how do i determine the physical location of an IP address?

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Anyone please explain the Caching concept internally which IIS is handling.

Explain the sequences of events which happens from button press in the Client window and request reaches to IIS.

How the Caching is maintained?

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Hi dear,

Confused about this error can’t understand why this error appears.

Tell me its reason why this error appear and how can I solve this error.

            Netmap – Visio Communication Error

              Unable to create a Network Map,

                 Unable to read the ‘ActivePage’ VisioPage object.


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Hi dear,

I am a university student, and I am preparing my assignment in Microsoft Visio but I am facing given problem please any one provide me its proper solution.


Microsoft Office Visio       

An error (223) occurred during the action Open file.

A fatal error occurred while Visio was...

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