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Hi dear,

I am using adobe illustrator CS2 for designing graphics card but today I am trying to use this program but given error appear again and again I don’t know why this error appear again and again please provide me its proper solution. I wait for your solution.

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I have a Question about batch file in Windows XP.

Can I make a batch file to perform a certain type of actions as well as I want to remove my browser's history by double clicking on this batch file.
I want to visit certain web sites daily. I want to...

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Hi dear,

I am doing work in .net framework and I am receiving Unhandled Exception please tell me why this exception occur when I try to open any project in it always appear same problem.

GP Invoice Import

GP Invoice Import has encountered a problem and needs to...

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Please tell me how I can make config.php writable and how I can change  "mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/dbss/domains/ on line 185" ?<?php

if (eregi("db_ctrl.php",$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
 sql_connect($host, $user, $password, $db)
 sql_query($query, $id)
 sql_fetch_row(&$res, $nr=0)
 sql_fetch_object(&$res, $nr=0)

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Hi dear,

I am playing games on my system but today I am trying to play games but I can’t do this.

Due to give Error I can’t play games. I double click at game icon but the error appears.

Please tell me its solution why this error appears again and again.


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The Three Main Types of Area Networks LAN, MAN, and WAN are three types of computer networks. How did they come about, what are the differences between them, and how can you connect to them? Read on to find the answers to these questions. Local Area Network (LAN) LAN stands for Local Area Network. In...

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Hi dear,

Please tell me why I am receiving this error that you can’t delete Virtual machine and cannot perform any type of operation until the object in current state.

Hyper-V Manager

An error occurred while attempting to delete the virtual machine.

Deleting                                                ‘failed,

The operation cannot be performed...

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Hi dear,

I am doing work in Visual Studio.Net Framework but I am receiving one error due to that error I can’t do work please tell me its solution why I receive this error and how can I remove this error.

Very Urgent Please.

Microsoft Visual Basic


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Hi dear,

I am using Window Vista and I am trying to Install Microsoft. Net Framework 1.1 in my system but I am receiving registry fix error. Please tell me its solution.

RegSvcs.exe – Common Language Runtime Debugging Services

            Application has generated an exception that could not...

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Hi dear,

I am using this tool for data mining but when I try to sort data or filter data, then I receive given error again  and again. 

Please tell me why I receive this error & also give me some better data mining tool.

I am doing work with a lot...

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