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Hi! Dear,

Please provide me help about this problem. When I try to install any software then this problem appears. I fear that this is due to a virus or some other reason please explain this problem Thanks.

Software Installation
The software you are installing has not passed...

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A Sneak Peek At Cloud Computing The world today is in the age of computers, where virtually any process becomes possible within just a few clicks. Almost everything, such as shopping, doing business and acquiring information, etc., is done with the help of the internet. Because of this, businesses...

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Top 10 Cloud Computing Security Providers Cloud Computing has been one of the biggest IT solutions for businesses these days. Unfortunately, there are cloud computing services that lack security measures causing a possible database breach and  possible vulnerability to threats. However , there are cloud ​computing companies that have specialized security measures. Here are 10 of the best security...

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How to use rundll32.exe command to clear Internet Explorer cache? Can anyone here help me; I want to clear my Internet Explorer cache by using rundll32.exe.

My Operating System is Windows Vista.

Thank you.

Mark White

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Cloud Computing:  Why Move Your Company to Cloud Cloud computing is a term which involves managing services and business over the World Wide Web. Managing this kind of business is quite unique in a way that people from all around the globe can now have access to the information...

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Cloud-based Company - Making a Mark on IT Marketing The marketing world with cloud-based IT marketing has moved forward further on top after re-inventing its ways and proven that the decision made was for the betterment of the company. Here are some of the companies that embraced cloud-based IT...

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I want to increase my slide show duration. So, what is the easy way to increase Windows 7 desktop Slideshow transition animation duration?

Thank you.
Paul Jackson.

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Top 10 Cloud Computing Providers for 2011 There are many cloud computing providers, but do you want the best cloud computing provider? Cloud computing is a model for effective and convenient network access to a shared pool of resources such as servers, networks, application and likes. “Cloud” or the cloud...

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My Internet connection has been corrupted.

I can't access the internet. I am using Windows XP.

I already re-install my network card but it's still not working.

Please help me how do I fix the problem.

Thank you.

Daniel Thomas

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What is Virtual Machine (VPS)? Virtual machines, also known as Virtual Private Servers (VPS), are virtualized server environments within a physical host server.  The host server can serve as a single or as multiple virtual machines, each one having its own operating system and some dedicated roles installed.  For...

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